Saturday, January 26, 2019

"Because they have likely had multiple disappointments in their lives, older children may take longer to form deep and enduring attachments. The older child is at the time of adoption, the more likley it is that he or she has experienced not only rejection but also insecurity related to multiple foster care placements and temporary relationships. He or she may feel unlovable or dispensable as a result and question your commitment and the permanence of the adoption (Matloff, 2014). This can cause your child to actively resist your affection or test you to make sure your love is real and permanent (Kupecky, 2014). This may come in the form of angry outbursts or withdrawal. It is important to recognize these behaviors as a process your child needs to work through and not take them personally."

Helping Your Child Transition from Foster Care to Adoption: a Fact Sheet for Families
via the Children’s Bureau: Child Welfare Information Gateway – July, 2018

Courtesy of: Matloff, G. (2014) The Joys and Challenges of Parenting Older Adopted Children, Adoption Advocate, 77. Retrieved from the National Council for Adoption website (